GEm sleep is the single path to a better night's sleep

We are a virtual sleep clinic providing comprehensive sleep apnea diagnosis, treatment and support.


Reducing time to diagnosis and treatment to days and weeks, instead of months with bricks and mortar providers

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Studies demonstrate 37% reduction in annual healthcare costs one year after starting appropriate treatment1


Consumers are guided through a simple experience - eliminating the starts, stops and clunky handoffs in the traditional path


Ongoing support during the adjustment to treatment and beyond improves adherence and health outcomes

why we exist

GEM SLEEP was created to help the 25 million people who are not receiving adequate treatment for their sleep apnea by making it easier and more accessible for all.

30+ million

people in the U.S. suffer from obstructive sleep apnea.

man snoring in bed

Left untreated, sleep apnea is associated with:


greater likelihood of developing cancer2


more likely to have a stroke2


higher mortality rate2

money burning

Annual costs of treated OSA:


Annual costs of untreated OSA:


The U.S. sleep apnea market exceeds

$5B spent annually on care

chart of spend vs. cost

Untreated sleep apnea costs society

more than $150B every year

gif on man pouring coffee on his head

Fully equipped studio

so why are so many stuck?

Most people don’t understand how poor sleep impacts quality of life.

If they do suspect something is wrong, they are often unsure how to look for help – the process is often cumbersome, confusing and more focused on selling equipment than getting people better.

And if someone does make it all the way to treatment, there is no support to make that adjustment a success.

25M Americans living with sleep apnea are stuck.

Most people don't even know where to start, are in denial about how they feel, or just use sleep aids and self-medicate with caffeine.

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I delayed getting the help I needed to diagnose and treat my own Obstructive Sleep Apnea for years. Why did I wait? I was intimidated by the whole process and turns out, I was right to be intimidated! The process for me was a back-and-forth, time consuming and confusing process. When I finally did get to treatment, I had no support to work through the change of wearing a CPAP.

The good news is, all of those learnings and frustrations have been turned into a better patient experience with the creation of GEM SLEEP.  We’ve solved all of the dead-ends so you don’t have to as a patient!
Brian Sauer

Founder and CEO, GEM HEALTH

GEM SLEEP simplifies the experience to get more people the care they need



1-minute clinical assessment to screen for likely obstructive sleep apnea



  • Home sleep test lab order by physician
  • Patient completes sleep test on their time in their home
  • GEM providers review sleep test and recommend treatment


Order CPAP for home delivery or connect with a dental provider to begin treatment



Coaching and peer communities to adjust and find success with treatment


If you would like to learn more about how to partner with GEM HEALTH and help your members move from sleepless nights to comprehensive sleep apnea diagnosis, treatment, and support, please contact us.

Contact Us

  1. Knauert M, Naik S, Gillespie MB, Kryger M.Clinical consequences and economic costs of untreated obstructive sleep apneasyndrome. World J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2015 Sep 8;1(1):17-27. doi:10.1016/j.wjorl.2015.08.001. PMID: 29204536; PMCID: PMC5698527.
  2. Marshall, N, Wong, K, et al. Sleep Apnea and20-Year Follow-Up for All-Cause Mortality, Stroke, and Cancer Incidence andMortality in the Busselton Health Study Cohort. Journal of Clinical SleepMedicine. 2014 Apr 15; 10(04). DOI: 10.5664/jcsm.3600